National Yang-Ming University and National Chiao Tung University will combine to form “National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University” on 1st February. The Presidential Election Committee of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University held its third conference on 10th January and the three candidates who had reached the second-stage of selection were invited to explain each one’s school management philosophy and answer questions about it. The committee reviewed all aspects of the candidates, as well as considering the developmental needs of the two Universities. Professor Lin was selected as their choice for the first President of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University and will be appointed after approval by the Ministry of Education based on the public university president election committee’s findings and other relevant policies.
Coronary atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease caused by blood flow blockage from the formation of plaques, aggregations of intravascular fat, in coronary vessels. The early-onset symptoms of atherosclerosis are difficult to identify. Coronary atherosclerosis may have severe manifestations, including angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, or even sudden cardiac death. Despite its serious outcomes, coronary atherosclerosis is generally not given the necessary attention by the Taiwanese public. The benefits of available treatments, which include medication prescribed by internal medicine physicians, cardiac catheterization, and coronary artery bypass grafting, are limited, and the occurrence of coronary atherosclerosis cannot be effectively prevented. Therefore, devising a rapid and effective preventive treatment is essential.
The COVID-19 vaccine produced by renowned US biotechnology company Moderna was developed on a key mRNA technology platform. This clinical application of mRNA technology for developing COVID-19 vaccine constitutes a major breakthrough. The Taiwan–US collaborative research team examined mRNA methylation in the vascular endothelium, performed bioengineering simulations of the coronary atherosclerosis development process, and examined the clinical specimens of coronary atherosclerosis, confirming that mRNA methylation contributes crucially to the pathogenesis of coronary atherosclerosis. Gene therapy effectively inhibited atherosclerosis-related inflammation; the results of an in vivo animal study revealed a significant reduction in arterial plaque buildup, which is conducive to atherosclerosis prevention.
This breakthrough provides new treatment directions for coronary atherosclerosis. The findings are expected to pave a path for the development of safe and effective treatments, as well as provide new clinical treatment options. The academic and industrial communities may contribute toward the research and development of pharmaceutical and gene therapy for coronary atherosclerosis prevention.
Photo: Provided by Taipei Veterans General Hospital