Ministry of Science and Technology
Outstanding Research Award

Prof. Lee, Mei-Hsuan
Institute of Clinical Medicine

Prof. Tsai, Jin-Wu
Institute of Brain Science

Prof. Tarng, Der-Cherng
Institute of Physiology

Prof. Chen, Chih-Chiang
School of Medicine
Teaching Award
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Lin, Hui-Ching (Institute of Physiology)
Prof. Yen, Jiin-Cherng (Institute of pharmacology)
Prof. Lee, Shin-Jung (School of Medicine)
Prof. Hou, Pei-Shan (Institute Of Anatomy And Cell Biology)
Prof. Pan, Wen-Chi (Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences)
Prof. Yang, Hsiu-I (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Chen, Ling (Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration)
Prof. Chang, Ching Chih (School of Medicine)
Prof. Wu, Shiao-Chi (Institute of Health and Welfare Policy)
College of Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Chang, Jei-Wen (School of Medicine)
Prof. Hsieh, Chen-hsi (School of Medicine)
Prof. Liang, Li-Lin (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Tsai, Pei-Jiun (School of Medicine)
Prof. Huang, Po-Hsun (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Sung, Shih-Hsien (Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)
Prof. Lee, Wei-Ju (School of Medicine)
Prof. Peng, Li-Ning (School of Medicine)
Prof. Yang, Kuang-Yao (School of Medicine)
Prof. Yang, Chih-Yu (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Chen, Chuan-Yu (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Lirng, Jiing-Feng (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Hsin-Jen (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Ping, Yueh-Hsin (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lin, Chih-Ching (School of Medicine)
Prof. Ji, Dar-Der (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lin, Kuan-Chia (Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration)
Prof. Chi, Kai-Hsien (Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences)
College of Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Chang, Yuan-I (Institute of Physiology)
Prof. Lin, Ya-Ping (School of Medicine)
Prof. Liu, Chia-Jen (Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)
Prof. Yang, Chih-Yu (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Chih-Chiang (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Yi-Jen (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lan, Keng-Li (Institute of Traditional Medicine)
Prof. Chou, Yueh-Ching (Institute of Health and Welfare Policy)
Prof. Chen, Chih-Yen (School of Medicine)
Prof. Yu, Kuo-Pin (School of Medicine)
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Li, Wei-Ju (School of Medicine)
Prof. Juan, Chi-Chang (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chang, Jei-Wen (School of Medicine)
Prof. Pu, Christy (Institue of Public Health)
Prof. Cheng, Hao-Min (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chang, Yuan-I (Institute of Physiology)
Prof. Wang, Hsiang-Tsui (Institute of Pharmacology)
Prof. Yang, Hsiu I (Institute of Public Health)
College of Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Chen, Chi-Ju (Institute of Microbiology & Immunology)
Prof. Yang, Ying Ying (School of Medicine)
Prof. Liu, Zunrui (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lee, Mei-hsuan (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Szu-Ting (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Jeng, Mei-Jy (Institute of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine)
Prof. Lin, Tung-Yi (Institute of Traditional Medicine)
Prof. Chang, Jung-Wei (Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences)
Prof. Lang, Hui-Chu (Institute of Hospital and Health Care Administration)
Prof. Lin, Wen-Hsu (Institute of Health and Welfare Policy)
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Chuang, Yi-Fang (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Yang, Ling-Yu (School of Medicine)
College of Medicine Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Wang, Shuu-Jiun (Institute of Neuroscience)
Prof. Wang, Pei-Ning (School of Medicine)
Prof. Wu, Po-Kuei (School of Medicine)
Prof. Li, Guo-Hee (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lirng, Jing-Fong (School of Medicine)
Prof. Pan, Wen-Chi (Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences)
Prof. Liu, Zun-Rui (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lai, Hui-Chin (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Shih-Pin (Institute of Neuroscience)
Prof. Yang, Chih-Yu (Institute of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Shiu, Han-Shui (School of Medicine)
Prof. Kou, Yu-Ru (Institute of Physiology)
Prof. Wang, Hsiang-Tsui (Institute of Pharmacology)
Prof. Fu, Shu-Ling (Institute of Traditional Medicine)
Prof. Yang, Hsiu-I (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Wu, Shiao-Chi (Institute of Health and Welfare Policy)
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Yen, Jiin-Cherng (Institute of pharmacology)
College of Medicine Oustanding Teaching Award
Prof. Wang, Shuu-Jiun (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lin, Chih-Ching (School of Medicine)
Prof. Chen, Hsin-Jen (Institue of Public Health)
Prof. Chen,Szu-Ting (Institue of Clinical Medicine)
Prof. Yang, Kuang-Yao (School of Medicine)
Prof. Jeng, Mei-Jy (School of Medicine)
Prof. Lai, Hui-Chin (School of Medicine)
University Outstanding Teaching Award
Prof. Rei, Wen-May (Institute of Public Health)
College of Medicine Oustanding Teaching Award
Prof. Ping, Yueh-Hsin (Institute of Pharmacology)
Prof. Lin, I-Feng (Institute of Public Health)
Prof. Lirng, Jiing-Feng (School of Medicine)
Prof. Kuo, Chao-Yu (Institue of Public Health)
Prof. Chen, Shih-Pin (Institute of Neuroscience)
Prof. Chen, Chih-Chiang (School of Medicine)
Prof. Huang, Chuan-chuan. (Institute of Physiology)
Prof. Tsai, Jin-Wu (Institute of Brain Science)