College of Medicine, NYCU


College of Medicine, NYCU

NYMU Research Center for Epidemic Prevention was founded

NYMU Research Center for Epidemic Prevention was founded

NYMU Research Center for Epidemic Prevention, collaborated with Taipei Veterans General Hospital and National Chiao Tung University, was founded this month. The center was leaded by president Steve H. S. Kuo and vice president Muh-Hwa Yang and also invited Allen Lien, who is a distinguished alumnus and a famous figure in Taiwan for his diplomatic and public health contributions in West Africa. The center will devote in covid-19 researches and policy assessments for Taiwan government.
With this purpose, Prof. Chun-Ying Wu from Institute of Biomedical Informatics conducted a research, published on Scientific Reports last month, to analyze 169 countries’ covid-19 mortality with Li-lin Liang of Dept. of Business Management of NSYSU. They tried to identify factors associated with mortality rate at macro level and found covid-19 mortality is negatively associated with test number and government effectiveness. For the counties, such as Taiwan, with better government effectiveness, ageing population and abundant hospital bed resources, increasing test number may not attenuate mortality rate effectively.


Photo: Secretariat Office
